I Love Growing Weed Grow Weed Easy

Want to reap the benefits of growing weed , but you're not sure how to get started? Here is your personal guide on how to grow weed easy at home. Whether you're interested in cultivating cannabis for medical marijuana or for recreational usage, our guide will answer your questions and teach you the basics to get started today.

First, explore online resources to purchase marijuana seeds and do some research on what strains are best for beginners. Strains that are lower in THC and higher in CBD content, such as Easy Bud and Sour Tsunami , may fit the bill. One excellent resource is Grow Weed Easy where Sirius Fourside and Nebula Haze, two seasoned growers, have assembled pages of useful advice and information for the beginner.

marijuana plant seedling
When growing your own weed, first explore online resources to purchase marijuana seeds and do some research on what strains are best for beginners.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

What do you need to grow weed?

Marijuana cultivation has five major components: light, water, nutrients, air, and temperature. Cannabis growers need to manage each of these factors to cultivate thriving plants at home, so take these elements into consideration to transform your cannabis seeds into healthy marijuana plants .

Should you grow weed indoors or outdoors?

It might be easier to grow marijuana outdoors if you live in an ideal climate, or indoors if you have a grow room. If you live in a dry, temperate climate with loads of sunshine, like San Diego or the Mediterranean, then growing weed outdoors may be the way to go. If you have ample space in your home, along with an efficient lighting system and temperature controls, then your marijuana plants may fare well indoors.

Grow weed easy: indoors

Light: The process of growing marijuana indoors is easier than it once was, thanks to innovative lighting technology, especially LED lights. But hefty setup costs in excess of $800 may cause some beginners to shy away from LED lighting systems. If you do have the money to invest, then LED lights may be the right choice for you. Otherwise, you can implement cheaper lighting methods that may or may not be as energy-efficient as LED lights but are kinder to your budget. The bottom line is, LED products represent a significant initial investment but can save money over time with up to 80% greater efficiency ratings than traditional lighting.

indoor marijuana cultivation
The process of growing marijuana indoors is easier than it once was, thanks to innovative lighting technology, especially LED lights.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Water: Anything less than emerald green leaves means it's time to water your plants, but the quality of water is just as important as the quantity.  A handheld water quality meter will help you measure the mineral and chemical content of your water. You can also use the meter to track pH levels, which are best at 5.5 to 6.5 for indoor cannabis. Come up with a watering schedule, add a few simple supplies, and you'll be equipped to keep your weed hydrated.

Nutrients: If you grow weed indoors, there's a good chance you'll use a hydroponics system rather than soil. Hydroponics involves the use of mineral nutrient solutions within a water solvent. The benefits of hydroponics include up to 90% more efficient water use, as well as an equally efficient utilization of space,  which is key when using your home to grow weed. While a good hydroponics system can cost upwards of $1,000, it is a solid investment that covers water and nutrients in one solution.

Air: Stale air is the enemy of a healthy plant, so you'll want to keep a flow going in your indoor space. Oscillating fans do the trick and are inexpensive to boot. Ventilation from open windows is another option, but only if you're not exposing your prized plants to harsh elements or extreme temperature fluctuations.

indoor marijuana cultivation fan
Stale air is the enemy of a healthy plant, so you'll want to keep a flow going in your indoor space.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Temperature: Temperate is the name of the game when growing weed indoors and you'll want to maintain a consistent temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and not less than 60 degrees at night. Depending on where you live, you may need to adjust your thermostat, or you may be able to let your cannabis grow at room temperature.

Grow weed easy: outdoors

Light: Natural light will keep your cannabis in optimal health if you're cultivating outdoors. Just make sure you plant in a spot with at least eight hours of direct sunlight a day, and nature will do the rest.

outdoor growing marijuana
Natural light will keep your cannabis in optimal health if you're cultivating outdoors.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Water: Hydration needs vary according to the life cycle of a plant, but a good rule of thumb is to pay attention to the soil and assess whether it's parched or moist. No fancy irrigation system is necessary if your garden is small. Just water by hand and your plants will get the hydration they need. But you still need to measure those pH levels. Six to seven is a good benchmark for marijuana grown in soil.

Nutrients: Organic fertilizers such as compost or fish meal are ideal nutrition to help your outdoor cannabis plants flower. Use the fertilizer sparingly, though, as plants are more likely to die from overfeeding than undernourishment.

outdoor marijuana growing
Organic fertilizers such as compost or fish meal are ideal nutrition to help your outdoor cannabis plants flower.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Air: Cultivating cannabis in the great outdoors means you don't have to manage air quality. In fact, you have no control over the air, other than to ensure you are growing your marijuana in a climate that is not as dry as the Mojave or as humid as the Everglades.

Temperature: As with it is indoors, the ideal temperature for growing weed outdoors is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day with nighttime temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Exact numbers vary depending on the stage of the plant (seedling, flowering, etc.), but always avoid extreme temperatures.

Harvesting your weed

Once you've followed these easy steps and optimized your light, water, nutrients, air, and temperature, your cannabis may reward you with a high yield. Have fun with the growing experience and experiment with different techniques to harvest your best buds.


Source: https://weedmaps.com/learn/the-plant/grow-weed-easy

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